Artikel mit dem Tag "change"

27. März 2017
Berlaymont-Gebäude Brüssel
Last week, it has been 60 years. 60 years since the first founding contracts of the European Union had been signed in Rome. 60 years of peace followed and a process of integration started that has not finished yet. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that this Europe we live in, this European Union, is not ordinary. Yes, it has hiccups due to its structure. But like my president said, it takes 60 years to build something like the EU but it takes just a few minutes - or a referendum - to...
27. Februar 2017
teacher behind books
A major challenge in education is the proper assessment of students. What do we assess and how? Do we focus on the students’ strengths or faults? Should we focus on motivation or weaknesses? Isn’t it funny: When a student gets the results back from a test, he or she seldom hears the teacher saying <<Congrats, you have 16 answers correct!>>. The teacher probably might be saying something like <<What a shame, you have four answers wrong!>> We are so focussed on...
01. Dezember 2016
egg & hammer
How do we inspire young people to get into science? While its importance increases permanently, the popularity of science is still low. Mainly, due to the unawareness, young people do not know about the career opportunities in science. Science still has that geeky image that appeals to nerds most of the time. The societal role of science is immense as it provides answers to question we raise all the time. Every little invention, every great product we use, goes back to scientific discoveries....
06. Januar 2016
Hermann Morgenbesser
Hermann Morgenbesser ist für die Innovationen, die er in seiner Schule (Anm. d. Red. BG/BRG Klosterneuburg) vorangetrieben hat, über die Landesgrenzen bekannt. Im ersten Teil des Interviews spricht er über seine Vision einer themenorientierten Schule, warum neue Technologien richtig eingesetzt zu einem Paradigmenwechsel in der Bildung führen können und warum mit Tablets jene pädagogische Veränderung stattfinden kann, die mit den Notebooks vor Jahren nicht gelungen ist.